Jordan Fox Photography

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Questions to ask a photographer for your wedding

The most important questions to ask your wedding photographer - answered!

I get it - choosing a wedding photographer is usually a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it's only natural that you'd have questions. I know there are countless blog posts out there suggesting a myriad of questions you should ask to find the perfect photographer. But, let me tell you, some of these questions can be quite irrelevant and might even stir up unnecessary worry among soon-to-be-wed couples!

So, I'm here to share with you some thoughtful questions that might be helpful in your decision-making process. Plus, we'll tackle a few common misconceptions that we should clear up right away, for a smoother journey ahead!

Let us presume that you've already covered the basic and most fundamental question - are you available on our wedding date and let's get cracking with some questions (in no particular order).

Have you worked at our venue before?

I totally get where you're coming from. It's comforting to know that a photographer is familiar with your venue, but let me reassure you - for a skilled photographer, this won't impact the quality of your photos. A top-notch wedding photographer will leverage their expertise in lighting, composition, and creativity to make sure your special day is captured beautifully, regardless of the location. They'll ensure your wedding shines in the best light possible.

Often my best wedding/best work of the season is at a venue I had never visited before!

If you've found a photographer whose style resonates with you and you feel a great connection with them, don't fret too much about whether they've worked at your specific venue before. Their talent and your rapport with them are what truly matter. Think of their experience with your venue as a cherry on top if they do have it!

How many final images can we expect?

Now, this can depend on the photographer, but let me share what you can expect from me. With my full-day package, which includes 9 hours of coverage (from bridal preps through to your cake cutting, first dance and dancefloor action!), you'll receive at least 500 carefully hand-edited photos in your gallery. If your wedding is filled with a host of activities and charming details, you can look forward to even more images - sometimes as many as 1000. For couples who prefer fewer posed shots and more candid moments, the final count can vary. But rest assured, every moment captured will be special! You’ll receive both high-resolution and web-ready options for your convenience.

How would you describe your photography style?

Oh, this question is a fun one but let's think about it differently! If you're already loving the work of your photographer, the label of their style shouldn't sway your decision. There are all sorts of terms floating around: Candid, reportage, fine art, editorial, and even 'point the camera and hope for the best' (just kidding on that last one!). If a portfolio or gallery catches your eye, don't get hung up on the style. Instead, have a chat with your photographer about their approach and how they plan to capture your magical day.
As for me, I love to blend candid snapshots with formal portraits, always taking into account your preferences for how many posed shots you'd like.

How many weddings have you shot?

Absolutely, this is a great question! Experience in the wedding industry can be incredibly valuable, especially compared to other types of photography like sports or corporate events. You see, weddings are a world of their own. They rely not just on the photographer's skill to snap an amazing photo, but also on their knack for communicating and mingling with everyone at your wedding - from the blissful couple and the guests to Auntie Jane and even your other wedding suppliers. Building a warm rapport with those around us is just as important as capturing those picture-perfect moments. Of course, arranging a meet-up or even a short Zoom chat with your photographer can give you a sense of their personality. It's all about ensuring the person behind the lens is someone you feel comfortable with on your big day.

Do you have backup equipment?

Absolutely, you're spot on! Any professional wedding photographer worth their salt will have a backup plan in case of any unexpected hitches on the big day. Even though we all wish for smooth sailing, it's essential to be prepared for those occasional bumps in the road. Rest assured, I use top-notch cameras and lenses, trusting only the best in the business. This way, you can feel confident that I'm as invested in capturing your special moments flawlessly as you are!

How many weddings do you typically shoot per year?

Great question! It's quite common for folks to worry that a photographer might be too busy or, conversely, not busy enough. But let me ease your mind - these concerns aren't usually an accurate reflection of the situation! Many photographers, myself included, deliberately limit the number of weddings we cover each year. There are even some high-end photographers who choose to focus on just a select few events each year.

But here's a secret: the number of weddings isn't always the most critical factor. You can often get a sense of a photographer's expertise through other elements like a professional website, active social media presence, comprehensive brochure, fair pricing, and prompt email responses.

What is included in your wedding photography package?

It's so important to know exactly what you're getting with your wedding photography package. Being open and transparent is my mantra, so you'll find all the basic info about my offerings in my brochure and on my website.

You might have heard some scary stories where couples snagged a photographer for a great price, only to discover later that they didn't have access to all their images. That's definitely not how I operate!

Here are some specifics you might be curious about:

How many hours coverage do we get?
Who will own the rights to the images?
Can we print them whenever we want?
Will there be any watermarks on the images?
How long will the images stay up in the online gallery?
When do we need to pay?
Are there add-ons such as a second shooter or additional hours?

Will you be the one photographing our wedding? If not, who will be?

Yes - I guess this is valid if you're dealing with an agency type. Most photographers are sole traders and they peddle their own work. The real question to ask your photographer is about their backup plan. What happens if they can't make it due to illness? You'd want to ensure that they have a backup option who can step in, and importantly, this replacement should have a similar style to the one you initially liked.

For me, I have a number of great wedding photographers whose style is similar and touch wood, I haven't had to use them :-)

When and how will we receive our photos?

It's essential to have realistic expectations, especially when you're eager to relive those magical moments through photos. You might be picturing receiving your full gallery as soon as you return from your honeymoon in the Maldives. However, typical turnaround times can often be around 8 weeks, varying from photographer to photographer and package to package.

Some packages do offer expedited delivery for a slightly higher fee and also, in the height of Instagram popularity, most wedding photographers will provide you with some sneak peeks (something I include in my packages)

From my end, I usually deliver wedding photos within 6-8 weeks. But let me just add a friendly note here: photo editing isn't an exact science. During the peak wedding season, there may be times when we photographers need an extra day or two to ensure your pictures are perfect.

The method of receiving your photos can vary, but in our modern era, most photographers, including myself, provide an online gallery for easy access. This is typically followed up with a USB containing all your precious memories.

It's also handy to know how long your photos will stay online. Some photographers, mindful of your convenience, offer extended hosting. So you can revisit those joyful moments whenever you wish.

Are you insured?

Your potential wedding photographer should carry both professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance. This is critical for their protection should anything go wrong, and it also provides you with peace of mind.

Personally, I have both types of insurance to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. So if any unexpected circumstances arise, we are both covered.

Can we request specific shots or provide you with a 'must-capture' list?

It's definitely worth discussing your photographer's approach to shot lists. Some photographers are more than happy to follow a specific list of shots, while others, like me, prefer a bit more creative freedom.

In my experience, having a long list of group shots can stifle the opportunity to capture those spontaneous, fun moments that truly make your wedding unique and special. Group photos have their place in so many weddings however, it’s always good to mix these up with fun and creative images.

After all, it's these unexpected snapshots that often become the most cherished memories.

What is your cancellation and refund policy?

Your wedding photographer should have a clear set of terms and conditions, offering insight into their procedures for cancellations and refunds. Don't hesitate to ask about these policies, especially if you have concerns about potential unforeseen circumstances that might require a cancellation.

A professional photographer will usually have these terms and conditions accessible on their website, or they'll be able to provide them to you upon request. This transparency ensures that both you and the photographer are protected if there happen to be any changes in your plans. You can view my cancellation policy on my online booking form where you can double-check before you confirm your booking.

Can we see some full galleries of your past wedding shoots?

Prospective wedding photographers should be more than willing to let you take a peek at a full wedding day portfolio. It's their chance to show off their style and the unique narrative they can weave through their photography.

As a wedding photographer myself, I absolutely love sharing my previous work with potential clients. It's an exciting opportunity to demonstrate what I can do and give you a hint of how your own wedding album might turn out. If possible, ask to see a full day’s gallery from the getting ready right up until the late-night boogie-ing! Full-time photographers will be more than happy to provide you with this opportunity.

When going through these comprehensive galleries, take note of how the photographer captures fleeting moments throughout the day and their distinct editing style. This way, you'll have a clearer expectation of the service they provide.

Do you offer engagement shoots?

Additional extras such as an engagement shoot, a second photographer, wedding albums should all be highlighted in your wedding package. In particular, an engagement shoot is such a fabulous way to get a little practice in front of the camera and bond with your photographer before your big day. It's like a delightful pre-wedding date, giving you a chance to relax, have fun, and create some beautiful memories.

Do you offer corrective services?

It's a great idea to chat with your wedding photographer about their editing services. Understanding their approach can be really helpful - some photographers might just tweak exposure and tones, while others are ready to roll up their sleeves and do full-on transformations, like photoshopping out tattoos or subtly refining chins and tums!

My photography style is all about capturing the natural beauty of your big day. I place a lot of focus on getting the shot just right in the moment it's captured. While I do offer basic editing services like colour correction and exposure adjustments, my ultimate goal is to keep your images looking as genuine and true to life as possible.

Do you photograph destination weddings?

Let me start with my answer: Absolutely, positively, without a doubt - YES!

I'm passionate about travelling and weddings - and even more so when I get to combine the two! With my trusty passport in hand, I've had the privilege of capturing love stories in enchanting locations like Bali, Mexico, Switzerland, and France.

It's crucial to know if your photographer is as excited about travel as you are - it's not everyone's cup of tea (though I can't quite fathom why!). But rest assured, I'm always ready and thrilled to pack my bags and join you on your romantic adventure, wherever that may be! There are some wedding photographers who solely offer destination weddings whilst others like myself provide both local and international services.

We don't like our photos being taken - can you help?

Certainly, a good photographer should know a few tips and tricks to help ease their couple on their wedding day. As a photographer, I believe it's my job to not only capture beautiful moments but also to make sure you're at ease on your wedding day. My photography style is all about keeping things personal, light-hearted, and fun. Plus, I've got a few clever tricks up my sleeve to ensure you look absolutely stunning in every frame!

When it comes to posed portraits, I'll always be there to guide both the bride and groom to strike the most flattering poses. For group photos, I promise to create an atmosphere that encourages everyone in the bridal party to let loose, have fun, and really get into the spirit of the celebration.

Can I customise a package to fit my needs?

Ask your wedding photographer if their packages are flexible should you have a particular request or if you'd like to customise a package.

I'm always open to discussing options with my clients and finding ways to accommodate their needs. I understand that every wedding is unique, and so are the wishes of the couples who hire me. That's why I offer flexible packages that can be tailored to your specific requirements. Whether it's adding an additional hour of coverage, meeting up with your wedding planner, attending rehearsal dinners or providing edited wedding images on your wedding day.

Do you charge a travel fee? 

It’s important to know whether or not you'll be charged if your wedding photographer is not close to your venue.

I shoot weddings up and down the country and enjoy every minute of it! All of my wedding packages are inclusive of weddings within a radius of 50 miles of Birmingham. Should your wedding venue be a little further away, I'll charge a small fee for travel and overnight accommodation is sometimes required.

Are albums and prints included in your packages?

Knowing the exacts of what you will receive from your wedding photographer is crucial. Your digital images are essential, but having a physical album to flip through and prints that adorn the walls of your home is priceless.

I offer beautiful albums from a company called Folio. They're simply stunning and can be added to your package or bought separately after you've received your wedding photos.

Will we receive all of the raw images?

In most cases, your wedding package won't include the unedited, raw images from your wedding. Let's face it, not every captured moment makes the final cut - and that's okay! After all, you likely wouldn't want to browse through shots of your bridesmaids mid-blink or dear Uncle Alan caught with his finger stuck up his nose!

What deposit do you require and when is the remainder due?

Ask your wedding photographer for details on the deposit plus how soon before the wedding date will the final balance be due.

My terms are 25% at the time of booking with the remainder due one month before your wedding day.

Will you be posting about our wedding on your website and social media?

Some couples may feel uncomfortable with their wedding photos being shared publicly, so it's important to discuss this with your wedding photographer.

You'll find the majority of wedding photographers will use your photos on both socials and website however if you're not ok with this, you can request this isn't the case. You may be asked to pay an additional cost for this.


The world of wedding photography is full of options and choices, but hopefully, by answering these common FAQs, I've been able to give you a better idea of what to expect when hiring a wedding photographer. You only get one chance to get this right (no pressure then!) but there’s plenty of food for thought contained here.
From understanding their wedding photography style to whether or not they've visited certain wedding venues, every couple has different priorities when it comes to choosing their primary photographer. Ultimately, the most important factor is finding a photographer who makes you feel comfortable and captures your special day in a way that truly reflects your unique love story. So don't hesitate to reach out, ask questions, and find the perfect photographer for your big day! Happy planning!
Want to ask me a question I’ve not covered here?

who is Jordan Fox?

Jordan is an experienced photographer whose shooting style is friendly and relaxed producing light-filled images for couples in love. She's been shooting weddings for over ten years and offers wedding packages to suit both local and international clients. Her love for travel has taken her to exotic destinations where she's been able to capture the most beautiful moments between couples in breathtaking locations. When she's not behind the camera, you can find her exploring new places, trying out different cuisines or enjoying quality time with loved ones.

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If you’re getting married then a big congratulations. Get in touch to discuss your wedding photography

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